My rating: 4 of 5 stars
My kind of car--with a built-in "insane mode!" Love it. Bring it on--the need for speed. Silent, but deadly! I look forward one day to driving a Tesla--maybe an S model or one of the newer ones? I've only been in one electric car--in Norway with a dear friend--and loved it. Musk is doing amazing things--in several fields--related to energy solutions. I like his focus on reducing pollution & waste, as well as bringing positive disruption to calcified fields of engineering. I mean, Musk's companies are turning whole industries upside-down: space, automotive (including self-driving/correcting vehicles), battery power, solar power, mass transport (hyperlooping), mass production that is more efficient & clean & light/bright. A very exciting time in history when developments are making huge leaps forward; paradigm shifts whose results are making worldwide impact. Lots of parallels can be seen between Musk & Steve Jobs. Visionary, creative geniuses who won't take "no" for an answer and push the limits to get the most out of their workers/engineers--ultimately producing practical tools that exude beautiful designs & class. This was a well-written & well-researched book that kept me engaged & interested from page 1. Borrowed this from the library; read on my Kindle.
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