Thursday, March 26, 2020

Made in AmericaMade in America by Bill Bryson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Take a trip down memory/history lane in America with Bill Bryson, as you learn how American English came to differentiate itself from British ("proper") English. And, along the way, learn some fascinating things about American history, personages, battles, events, inventions, discoveries, etc. As usual, Bryson can write about the kitchen sink and make it interesting & engaging. He does it again in this tome. So much to learn; so much to be fascinated about down through the centuries, starting back with the arrival of the Saints & Strangers to the "New World" in the 1600s (which, as you'll learn, wasn't all that new at all--thousands & thousands of fisherman had been there trawling the Great Banks and the Vikings had been there 600+ years before!). Great book--especially for those with a love of history and language.

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