My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Whoever would've thunk it? Golf explaining a US President? Rick Reilly has done a superb job of clearly demonstrating the underlying character of the US' current Commander-in-Cheat. Classic title--I must admit; spot on. I'm giving this a 4-1/2 stars in my Reading Log. A shame in so many ways: the lies, deception, vain boasting, trickery, cheating, bold-face-lying, brazenness, infantile attitudes, and just plain meanness based on an egotistical & self-centered vision of life--which for the Commander-in-Cheat means "winning" at any cost. Enriching himself & his family at any cost--to the detriment of so many others. OK, Trump has done some good things as well--it's not all bad; yes, governments & politicians are well-known to basically all be self-centered cheats (show me some who aren't), so it's just par for the course, as they say (!). These revelations are just so laughable--in the sense that one has to truly laugh at the audacity of the tricks & deceptions & boastings (in a sad, depressing manner). The book is written by a lauded sportswriter who loves golf--whose family has loved & lived for golf over generations. He points out the sadness in Trump's treatment of the game--and this went on for years before he became Commander-in-Cheat, and still goes on to this day as he holds the office--and the way Trump has denigrated the principles (& rules) of the game. Along with his two lifelong caddy friends who regularly tweet & cheat on his behalf. This book was a sad hoot-a-minute that was sad and depressing--to think that half of it could really be true is just. plain. disgusting. And dishonoring to the institution of the presidency of the United States. How many hours has Trump played golf during his current presidency? How many times has he stayed at his own trumped-up hotels & courses at taxpayer expense?...you don't want to know. Believe me. Read on my Kindle; borrowed from the library. Thanks for the tip-off, Kevin.
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