My rating: 4 of 5 stars
My first Tim Ferriss book; do I have to admit that until I picked this up from the library as an ebook (can't remember how I learned about it in the first place), this was the first I'd heard of Tim Ferriss? So, he only has one of (or the) most popular podcasts on the planet, as well as several other bestseller books like The 4-Hour Work Week, The 4-Hour Body, The 4-Hour Chef and Tools of Titans. I enjoyed the format of this book--a compilation of answers from the "best of the best" to 11 questions. I like asking questions of others and using them as a way to get to know each other (my wife & I have been working through the questions over meals). There's a lot of good stuff; there's also some whacky & thanks-but-no-thanks tips/tools/hacks on living life well. Advice today has to be called a "hack," right? I was saddened somewhat by the general lack of biblical wisdom (& knowledge) from any of these experts--though there was at least 1 person who named The Bible as their favorite book. Oh, but wisdom & peace from meditation (even TM...) & Zen/Buddhism was prolific. Yes, because it's just so trendy--along with having your sushi bar experiences. It's so much more "open/free" & mystical--and supposedly not fusty & restricting & exclusive ("dogmatic") like Christianity can be...and I'm talking about "mere Christianity" (from the Bible). All-in-all, though, I thought there was some good mentoring info throughout the book & I especially appreciated the many book recommendations!
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