My rating: 4 of 5 stars
What an amazing story of survival & stubbornness & perseverance under pressure! Sharansky spent almost 10 years in the horrible Soviet Gulag system back in the 70's/80's--just for being a Jewish activist who wanted to emigrate to Israel and to help the cause of other Jewish activists. The KGB dragged him into prison in Moscow--soon after he married, Avital, the love of his life--and dogged his every step with utter ridiculousness and fabrication upon fabrication, until just prior to his final release. Sharansky weighed 75 kilos (165 lbs.) going into prison--and at one point was down to 35 kilos (77 lbs), from his extensive hunger strikes and confinements in punishment cells with a reduced diet (the "normal" diet was not even fit for a dog). Shame, shame, shame on the godless, cruel, diabolical, crooked, confused, hypocritical, shameful Soviet system. Bravo & kudos to someone like Sharansky who stood on his principles & brooked no negotiation/compromise with the KGB and their evil & broken system. One of the things that got Sharanksy through his long, terrible ordeal was the Psalm book that his wife gave him just before he was arrested. The psalms/songs of King David & other Jewish leaders gave him life, meaning, comfort, and hope. Sharansky especially loved Psalm 30 and recited it aloud to the KGB officers effecting his final release. After reading of his experiences in the Gulag, the meaning & sentiments of this psalm are that much more deeply understood. Thank you, Sharansky.
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