My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Bottom line--you gotta read this book! Don't you want to know why the American public has been hoodwinked for the past 65 years regarding a healthy diet? Don't you want to know the ridiculousness of all the "low fat" products still cramming America's supermarket shelves? Doesn't it make you wonder why--after so much pushing & pulling to switch people to a low-fat, no/little eggs & dairy, no/little meat diet--that Americans are at an all-time high level of obesity and are still having heart & clogged veins & other health issues? This book will give you some straight answers and will also show you why, alternatively, you should be enjoying more meat, butter, and cheese (& fat!) in your regular healthy diet. Teicholz writes in an engaging style and includes lots of research (more in the footnotes), as well as pointing out the paucity of research and scanty associations from them that led the American Heart Association and Food & Drug Administration to make--and to continue to hold to--some very, very wrong & dangerous recommendations to the American public. I was shocked, and I think you'll be shocked too. Shame on them. Get your act together, people! Don't you realize something's got to change--what you've recommended ain't working no way. I own this book and read it on my Kindle.
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