Saturday, February 29, 2020

Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church: Understanding a Movement and Its ImplicationsBecoming Conversant with the Emerging Church: Understanding a Movement and Its Implications by D.A. Carson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a deeply biblical and thorough treatment, in my opinion, on the issues of the so-called "Emerging Church." Carson shoots straight and points out the positive & the negative, carefully wrapping up with a solid biblical analysis of the trends that have been emerging. Biggest take-aways for me: 1) there's a danger of getting so focused on the present culture & its perspectives & hang-ups with Christianity that the Gospel starts getting watered down, and 2) there's a danger in basing too much on personal experience & interpretation, rather than on revealed biblical Truths--as well as a concomitant belief/teaching that we as humans really can't know everything about God, so we can be more tentative, vague, and less assertive & confident. Watch out--there's a Danger Zone ahead...

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