Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Reviews by A Reader | weRead: Lone Survivor

For a long time I had resisted reading this book, feeling it was just sensational publishing, but am sure glad I finally read it. What a story!

The first half detailed the training that a Navy SEAL goes through--and has you wondering at times, Why? The second half is the explanation and apologetic for why, as it focuses on a highly sensitive & challenging mission in the far northeastern mountains of Afghanistan. I especially loved 2 things that were brought out clearly: 1) how vital prayer support back home can be--and how a tragedy can pull people together to do amazing things, and 2) how a Pashtun village elder & his people were instrumental in protecting and saving the soldier's life, making him the "sole survivor." He undoubtedly would have perished, along with the others, had he not been taken in by Pashtunwali. A nail-biting ending for sure with big implications on how a community (or your neighbors) are most often your best protection.

Reviews by A Reader | weRead

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