In the Presence of My Enemies by
Gracia Burnham
My rating:
4 of 5 stars
Finally got around to reading this book on the missionary couple--Martin & Gracia Burnham--taken hostage by the Abu Sayyaf terrorist organization in the Philippines, back in 2001. They spent just over a year in captivity, unfortunately ending in Martin's death at the time of their rescue by the Philippine armed forces (who appear rather inept throughout). Gracia does an excellent job of giving insights into the hardships of their captivity--the constant hunger, walking/running/dropping ("mobiling"), the fire fights & explosions from numerous encounters with the Philippine armed forces (AFP)--who seem quite unaware of how many times they almost killed some/all of the hostages, and who would give up tracking them after a "day's work" and who also demanded percentages of ransom money paid for various hostages. Gracia gives a very gracious perspective on the Abu Sayyaf terrorists (some of whom were forcibly "recruited" from their villages)--who were lost souls seeking God's favor by going on jihad & hoping to be martyred in the fight. I loved the post-hostage update Gracia gives on her three children, as well as her transition back into "normal" life in the US and how God provided so wonderfully for her & her family. Also how she has started a foundation to support various projects among the most unreached--including supporting outreach in a Philippine prison which has seen some former Abu Sayyaf terrorists come to faith in Christ. I listened to this audiobook on my phone--purchased from, at a great price.
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