Saturday, August 12, 2017

A Kingdom of Their Own: The Family Karzai and the Afghan DisasterA Kingdom of Their Own: The Family Karzai and the Afghan Disaster by Joshua Partlow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Excellent read--I gave this 4-1/2 stars in my Reading Log. Partlow does an excellent--and I feel very fair--assessment of Karzai's presidency, investigating in detail all the connected relatives who are necessarily part of the Karzai story. If you want to know more about how America's largesse to Afghanistan has been wasted and pilfered--by the millions & millions of dollars--this book has a good inside scoop. It's a sad tale of greed, bribery, cultural illiteracy & ignorance, political cowardice & hubris, and gives one just a slice of perspective into the complications of a place like Afghanistan, where so many people, unfortunately, shoot themselves in their own foot to the detriment of the collective population who eke out a living on $1/day. May God continue to have mercy on the peoples of this incredible country.

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